Tuesday, February 9, 2010

dun, dun, DUN!

We talked. I don't know how much was actually resolved. But whatever there is less tension now. I still don't really like her and we will most definitely will NOT be living with them next year. Eh they both want to be RAs anyway. It took forever to to wrap it up. I think we talked for like 2 hours? I think the person who had it the worst was my dear friend and fellow blogger Luci. (HI LUCI!) The whole time we were talking she was just sitting in our bedroom...alone. I felt so bad. I'm sorry Luci and the next time you come to our room we will have a better time. AND YOUR ALWAYS WELCOMED!


  1. HI Mica!
    Thanks for making me feel welcome. Plus it was rather insightful being in your room. And I actually did my homework while waiting which I probably wouldn't have done had I been in my room so it works out for the best.

  2. YAY! Maybe we should just lock you in our bedroom anytime you have to do homework?
