Tuesday, February 9, 2010

dun, dun, DUN!

We talked. I don't know how much was actually resolved. But whatever there is less tension now. I still don't really like her and we will most definitely will NOT be living with them next year. Eh they both want to be RAs anyway. It took forever to to wrap it up. I think we talked for like 2 hours? I think the person who had it the worst was my dear friend and fellow blogger Luci. (HI LUCI!) The whole time we were talking she was just sitting in our bedroom...alone. I felt so bad. I'm sorry Luci and the next time you come to our room we will have a better time. AND YOUR ALWAYS WELCOMED!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Drama belongs on the stage...not in your life.

Y'know in the previous post I went on a tangent about how I'm kinda scared of growing up and what the future holds and blah blah blah but what I can't STAND is immaturity. The whole game of he said that she said that you said is so high school!! HELLO PEOPLE!! GET OVER YOURSELF. FYI here in starts the ranting: I had a lovely weekend at home relaxing, playing some video games and doing laundry. It was bliss. So I'm enjoying some quality time with my Xbox 360 when my roomate calls me and asks me when I'm coming back. Apparently some shit had gone down with our suitemates or roomates, whatever you wanna call them. First I should explain, I love my roomate. period. She is my best friend. Then there is Suitemate #1 who we moved in with at the beginning of the semester. She's a sweet heart a little naive and kind of a player. (she doesn't think she. She's just nice) Then there's Suitemate #3 who replaced suitemate #2. (who I miss SO much!)
Suitemate #3 is a bitch. Straight up no denying it. She's okay with me but I have a feeling it's only because we live together. #3 came to our room this semester and I can't stand her and all her perfectionist bullshit anymore! I'm more of a free spirited orgainized mess type of person and it is just not working. She has an opinion about everything and never keeps it to herself. I don't know how much more I can take of her. I came back this morning and our living room was rearranged. Now you're probably thinking, Well it's only furniture what's the big deal. The BIG deal here is that she did it when me and my roomate weren't there to give input or an opinion. UM HELLO!!!!!! It's not just here room and she's making it the way she wants it not how the ROOM AS A WHOLE wants it. That is just shady as all hell. I had said that I was open to rearranging but that we HAD TO FIGURE IT OUT TOGETHER. Then the way she arranged it sucks. She put the infront of the window on top of our coffee table. Then she puts our sofa and arm chairs on opposite sides of the room. HOW THE FUCK A I SUPPOSED TO WATCH TV? I am the biggest couch potato when it comes to watching shows that I like. Now how am I supposed to lay out on the sofa an watch some quality tube time. NOT COMFORTABLY THAT'S FOR SURE!!!!! And you know why she did this? So she could put up some rinky dinky ass BUTTERLY CHAIR. Which is just sitting in the middle of the room BTW. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! phew. Rant #1 complete.
So hence begins rant #2. Like I was saying suitemate #1 is a total sweetie. She really is but I don't believe it when it comes to boys. She's an attractive girl and she's a kick ass dancer. She has a plethora of guys that are broken down into 2 groups: The guys that want to bang her and the nice guys who want to date her SO they can bang her. Or so they think. She's into that whole wait till marriage to have any type of sex. So the guys in group #1 are generally her type: good looking, athletic, "popular" or whatever. But the thing is with them all they really want is the physical shit. And she is is all for it along as it's not oral, anal or intercourse. Now what she does is her business, right? Not my business at all, right? WRONG WRONG FUCKING WRONG. It's in my nature to be a caring and loving person and have concerns for those who are close to me. But I am so sick of her bullshit and crying and all that follows with having your "heart broken". I put that in quotes because generally I think that in order to have your heart broken you have to know the person for MORE THAN 2 WEEKS! Which is how long these guys stick around because they figure out she's not going to crack on that waiting till marriage stuff. Honestly I think we should just have a revolving door for these guys. Then there's group #2, the nice guys. Suitemate #2 is a nice person and she is nice to almost everyone and this gets misconstrued with the guys in group #2 because they think she's into them. She's not. And I think that she knows that she's screwing with these guys because she gets shit out of it. They take her out, buy her things, stroke her ego and all the while she's just using them. The worst one is "Bob". He met he once when she was drunk they talked a little bit, exchanged numbers, facebooked all that stuff and the next day she didn't even remember who he was. So they talked and he asked her out and of course in she's telling us it's just a FRIENDly outing. It was a date. He paid for everything. It was a date. Immeadiately following their date at the pumpkin patch ($26 a pop) then took her to his house to meet his family and carve their pumpkins. She was creeped out that he took her to meet his family so early on and that he was sending her all these love notes and stuff through various portals of technology. Did she cut ties with him and say it would never work. Nope. She asked for a ride to the airport to take here to get food and what not. He even took her to a Bulls game. Did she do the lady like thing and say "No. I can't go with you because no matter what you do I will never be in a relationship with you." She went. Ugh I could go on and on but I will spare you. I will tell you that one of these guys knew here for oh, about a month, asked her what she wanted for christmas, and bought the most expensive item on the list which was a $100 pair of shoes. She doesn't talk to this one anymore. Well this story has point I was just giving you some exposition, maybe a little too much but really you need to know where this is all coming from. So there's now another guy that falls into the group #2 category. One of my good friends is very good friends with him. Now suitemate #1 is known as a user and that was even before I knew her that well. My good friend told me that this knew guy was a "broken" person and did not need to be chewed up and spit out by Suitemate #1. Well me and my roommate tell my friend, "you know tell this guy that she is seeing multiple people right now and that he shouldn't get his hopes up." This guy tells #1 about what we said. And #1 thinks that we're talking shit and calling her a tramp. A: We were just trying to help both parties here because of B: she earned that reputation without our help. Now we need to sit down and have a "talk" because of it. I am so looking forward to it. Yay.