Saturday, January 30, 2010

I walk the line...

Now why they call this campus a "dry" campus I will never understand. Especially since there is drinking all over the place! THIS SCHOOL OWNS A BAR!!! Anyways, so I do love to participate in the late night shenanigans. The theme for this weekend was a "Walk of Shame" party. Just take a wild guess at to what most of the attire was. Go ahead. Take a guess. Oh to be young! If I could just stay at this age for the rest of my life I think I could die happy. There is just something about it. Maybe its the new found sense of freedom? But then I think of the burdens that will be placed on my shoulders in just a few short years? I'm straddling a line between adolescence and adulthood. Growing up really scares me. I am 20 years old and I still feel like a child sometimes. I still watch cartoons, read comics, I live at home, still don't pay some of my bills, and so many other things that make me feel so young and inexperienced. I'M SCARED! The future really does freak me out. But then I think about all the amazing thing I'll be able to do. (and I don't mean just drinking.) I dream of the day that I'll have my own classroom! I think of all my future students and how I will get to be the one to help shape their ideas and influences with music. I am so ready and scared but I'm up for the challenge.

Friday, January 29, 2010

This is the year...

I'm an avid keeper of journals and it makes me sad that I don't take the time to write in them anymore :( So it's time to get myself rolling with the times and start A BLOG! Nothing fancy just, hopefully, day-to-day accounts of the nonsense and silliness of my life. (I'm in college so believe me there is A LOT of nonsense and shenanigans that go on here.) So on New Years Eve I said to myself, "Mica, some shit went down in 2009 and I don't know if I liked it. That's why this year you're going to get it together!" Unfortunately, I had already forgotten that conversation with myself and now it's time to get back on that horse that decides to keep bucking me off! "But I need something to keep track of what I'm doing make me feel guilty when I when I fall of the bandwagon?" I asked myself. (I don't usually talk to myself...well not that often. We have been known to have a conversation every now and then but I digress) "You IDIOT! What do you usually do!?" How silly of me to forget, my failure lies in my inability to get it all down , TO WRITE. Get it out of myself so that I see what went wrong and what to change! I've been a writer since I could remember! For a while it was my profession of choice! This is the KEY! BY JOVE I GOT IT!! So here we are. Welcome.