Friday, January 29, 2010

This is the year...

I'm an avid keeper of journals and it makes me sad that I don't take the time to write in them anymore :( So it's time to get myself rolling with the times and start A BLOG! Nothing fancy just, hopefully, day-to-day accounts of the nonsense and silliness of my life. (I'm in college so believe me there is A LOT of nonsense and shenanigans that go on here.) So on New Years Eve I said to myself, "Mica, some shit went down in 2009 and I don't know if I liked it. That's why this year you're going to get it together!" Unfortunately, I had already forgotten that conversation with myself and now it's time to get back on that horse that decides to keep bucking me off! "But I need something to keep track of what I'm doing make me feel guilty when I when I fall of the bandwagon?" I asked myself. (I don't usually talk to myself...well not that often. We have been known to have a conversation every now and then but I digress) "You IDIOT! What do you usually do!?" How silly of me to forget, my failure lies in my inability to get it all down , TO WRITE. Get it out of myself so that I see what went wrong and what to change! I've been a writer since I could remember! For a while it was my profession of choice! This is the KEY! BY JOVE I GOT IT!! So here we are. Welcome.


  1. Hi there,

    I like the welcome and hope you still have the journals you used to keep; I lost one of mine, and I’m sure there are some fantastically silly stories in it that I have forgotten,

    by the way I’m not trying to pressure you into writing I’m a true believer with anything in life that there is no rush but I thought I’d let you know that if you do write something then you’ll have at least one follower, i,e a reader

    So if you’re were hoping someone would read your work – job done,

    I like the way you’ve said you’ve been a writer since as long as you could remember and for a while it was your profession of choice,

    id love it if dreaming was a profession and that there was someone out there that was rich enough to pay me money for my dreams.

  2. Well thank you very much! Having a reader makes writing much more exciting! I agree dreaming would be an ideal profession for me as well!
